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Too Hot to Ride?

I have done Utah in July, down low its warm, be there early in the am. and up in the mountains during the hot part of the day, stay hydrated, and the cooling vest sounds like the trick, the next time I ride west, I will have one. Lots of sun screen, lip balm with sunblock, and belive it or not a pair of lose fitting bib overall are great, a Tshirt under them and open the "vents" on the side, lots of air flow. Besides you might meet some farmers daughter..LOL
I live in Norther Utah and have been riding in all the place that you have list, here is my take. SLC will be hot but not unbearable, mornings will be cool and nice and there are many of the best rides you could ever ask for in Utah. Southern Utah will be HOT, probably around 105 +degress and it will get warmer in Vegas and Laughlin even warmer, probably 110+ degrees. As you get closer to Sedona in will start to cool down as you rise in elevation. I think if it were me I would avoid NV and go South through Page, AZ and up through Flagstaff, AZ.(higher elevation and much cooler) There really isn't much to see in that part of NV (although Lake Mead via Logandale/ Overton/Hoover Dam is not bad) And the night time lows are in the uppeer 80's.
I definately wouldn't cancel out on a bike ride in these extreme temps, it is a dry heat and if you stop and relax and get a few cold drinks occasionally you will be fine. Also, NV has helmet laws, so it is tough to cool down your melon.
been there, done that....couple years ago, rode solo to Sturgis thru Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Yellostone, Sturgis and back....stop alots and drink water, it's ok.
and I am do it again in 39 days, this time ride solo again thru Arizona, New Mexico, Amarillo-Dallas-Houston TX and up to Sturgis and back to Kali.
I rode yesterday here in Tennessee. 96 degrees and 90% humidity with no breeze. It was a oven. Had to keep moving! Came home at midnight and it was still 85 degrees. I like the 60's and 70's the best..........
My brother lives in the Vagas area and rides every day. He told me that the police kill the engine at every traffic light to avoid overheating.
But it's a DRY heat!!!!! LOL

That always makes me laugh....Put a pot of water on a burner, get it boiling then quickly remove it from the burner, then stick your right hand in the water and your left one on the burner.......there both hot!!! but one is dry :s
Hot is Hot 100 degrees plus with the heat index, sometimes I pray to stop to cool down LOL:p
One thing that I find helps is one of those Camelbak water bags. I hung it
on my luggage in the passenger seat so the hose and mouth piece were
easily accessible while riding.

spring-summer-hydration-packs -

It was a huge help on my ride down thru the southeast last week. Just
filled with ice and water each morning.
