Having a tough time making a decision on this one.
My 08 Electraglide Classic engine is the stock 96" with exception of Stage 1 air cleaner kit, screamin eagle fatshotz, Stage 1 ecm download and oil cooler.
Runs perfect, hasn't missed a beat or had a single mechanical issue in 36,000 kilometers.
Reasons for going with Stage 2 (103" with SE255 cams)
-Was a professional mechanic for many years, am still a gear-head and of course have an overwhelming need to make everything I own go faster...
-Motorcycle runs great but is a bit sluggish when riding two-up, loaded with gear and running at 70 plus miles an hour (mandatory to stay with traffic whenever travelling south of the border). More power would be welcome.
-Only thing on the planet that sounds better than a nicely tuned Harley with a decent set of cams is perhaps maybe a Pratt-Whitney R-2800 radial engine (of Corsair fame).
-Prices are really reasonable (especially with Canuck dollar at par). Looking at $1250 for Stage 2 kit and SE Super Tuner from American supplier on-line.
-Can do all labour myself and this would give me one more reason to hang out in garage drinking beer.
Reasons for not going with Stage 2 (103" with SE255 cams)
-Runs perfect, hasn't missed a beat or had a single mechanical issue in 36,000 kilometers.
-Don't absolutely need more power. Current configuration has plenty of power for 90% of riding situations.
-Potentially more stress on rest of powertrain and possible reduction in long term reliability.
-Is a shame to crack open perfectly reliable solid engine that runs quiet and has never had so much as an oil weep anywhere.
-Upgrade could run as much as $2000 by the time I'm done as would probably have heads machined for compression releases and need to pay for some dyno time once assembled.
-If I decide to sell or trade motorcylce in two years from now, unlikely that I will see any return for extra $ spent on mods. In fact bone stock bikes are usually worth more down the road...
-Can always find another reason to hang out in garage drinking beer.
What are your thoughts?
Soooo, just looking for advice or suggestions from others who have gone down this same road and wondering if anyone has had any issues or regrets after doing these mods?