So, although it was several weeks ago...I figured I would give a brief on the ride.
All in all, the ride was alot of fun.
First Day - Made it all the way to Durango with no rain. However, for the stretch up to Ouray, we got hit and hut pretty hard with a rain storm. Never fails on this road - always rain. The KOA in Ouray was nice. Thank goodness it had a small Bar and Grill.
Second Day - much better ride all the way to Boulder. Some rain, but nothing big. The biggest issue we ran into was the rush hour from Dillon to Idaho Springs. Bumper to Bumper and moving very slow. Plus it was a little warm. This is also where we started to see that Bikers are not as well liked by Coloradoians as we had thought. One car tried to cut us off, one tried to fight with us and then there were a couple of yells.
Third Day - Morrison to Idaho Springs (then onto Breckenridge) - The ride outside of Morrison was great ( HWY 74 up to I-70 and over to Idaho Springs). HWY 74 was nice and winding with some great views and alot pf phone). That part went so quick, we decided to go to Breckenridge. The ride south from Dillon to Breckenridge was pretty nice. We just spent the afternoon walking around and site-seeing.
** Day 3 also saw our first incident. One bike fell, while at the gas station.

Continued on the next post ----------- :s