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tour pack or trailer

I think a trailer would be cool, but the longest ride my wife will do is 7 days, and that would be in hotels. We can do that with the tour pak, bags, and T-bag.
I think a trailer would be cool, but the longest ride my wife will do is 7 days, and that would be in hotels. We can do that with the tour pak, bags, and T-bag.
How bout a Side Car?.........I'd rather have that than a Trailer. I saw my first UG Trike out on the Road yesterday, that thing looks pretty cool too. Ain't it funny......10-15 years ago I wouldn't have even considered having a I want IT ALL! I would even consider a Trike, of all things. MAN I'm gettn OLD!
I think I'd go with the Tour Pak unless you're planning on spending a lot of time away from laundry facilities.
there are no issues towing a trailer i tow a 4berth trailer tent with my glide and towed it with a Heritage previously, the Ultra is better as it weigh considerably more and is better at controlling the trailer, total axle weight of the trailer is 149kg.
As Steve says be sensible and keep the speed down and above all dont forget its there :D

Hobbit is right. No issues towing a trailer. i've towed one all over Australia for years. However (there is always a however isn't there) be aware that you will end up carrying more than you could possibly need - but at least you will be able to fix the bike with the parts and spanners that you carry:D
Also, you will always end up carrying all the overflow stuff for your friends when you are away with them. If that's not a problem for you then that's OK. On the positive side, you can carry beer:cheers and spare fuel and clean clothes and food and a stove and a cooler and a tent and a sleeping bag and a... and a...

If I can sum up with one quick statement. "No matter how much storage space you have, the stuff that you choose to carry will expand to fit the storage space - with more needed".

Your choice in the end.

G'day Neil,

Well I like to travel light so I would go for the TP anytime over a trailer. I guess if I wanted to tow a trailer I'd take 4 wheels; but having said that I always said that if I wanted a radio to listen to I'd drive a cage!

As I said I like to travel light and am not big on camping so it would be pub hotels or on-site caravans for me while on the road. The odd night out under the stars in a swag is fine too though (once in a while).

When i go on long trips ....its always with my wife. Therefore i use everything i can get my hands a 13 dia....24" long leather bag that sits on our luggage rack. Its really no a bother don't realize its there. and we pull just a 1 wheel trailer so there is no surprises on hitting hole unsuspectingly....we also look for laundry mats and ups stores when we roll into a Seriously it better than being in a cage any day...we also are NOT campers so the wife can carry a few extra pair of shoes.
Don't forget to take your "Throw-away" underwear, just select your "hole'yer" socks, undershorts and undershirts, you know the one's your better half has been try'n to cull for the last six months. At the end of the day, toss'em in the Hotel garbage can. It only takes a pair of socks and undershorts to equal a new Tee shirt from the Harley Dealer in the next town. If ya run out, there's alway a K-Mart or Wal-Mart in the next town for a fresh supply.
If ya do this, mind your manners and don't just shove em down to the end of the bed for the Housekeeper to find...........That's just wrong! Heh, Heh, Heh
Neilwillo hit the nail on the is a Touring Rider's mantra "No matter how much storage space you have, the stuff that you choose to carry will expand to fit the storage space - with more needed"...! :lolrolling

Funny, in the electronics world it was the same relationship between Software and Hardware regarding the available hardware (memory and storage) to how much software code was needed to run an application :33:

Oh yeah, for 3 week ride or so...touring pack and luggage makes more sense...from a use and economics perspective...
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Smitty's right, If you don't have the room you won't need it. Guys I know that ride two up just gotta lay down the law. I kinda works this way.....they give the left bag to the co-pilot, they keep the right bag, the tour Pac is shared and has stuff you could need at any time, rain gear, Cow (Leathers), maps, gloves, stuff like that.
Then there's the guys who stack extra bags on racks on top of the Tour packs or saddle bags. They always seem to be in trouble parking or stopping cuz the bikes top heavey and they spend a much longer time getting ready to go anywhere. Lastly they can't get to anything in the Tour pac. These guys make me crazey.
Use the facilities at the Hotels, use the US Postal service to ship stuff home, keep the bike balanced and don't stack stuff cuz yer ol'lady wants to take a hair dryer. This is suppose to be fun, you'll find out ya didn't need all that stuff anyway.