free website stats program tourbox and dolt | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums

tourbox and dolt

Tourbox, Tank, Bubbie, Hopple, Jack and numerous others have pointed me in the right direction or given exceptional guidance to this, shall we say, mechanically challenged cop. Never been laughed at or made to feel I was out of my element. I can tell you, this community is the EXCEPTION to the rule. Even the "professional" Law Enforcement sites have trolls, lurid language, and out and out snipping.

I at first bristled the strict language standards. I soon realized that is one of the reasons this site is what it is. High standards that are not relaxed and the bar is never lowered. Thank you to the moderators and all the experienced mechanics that give their time and knowledge. You folks are fantastic. I can't thank you enough for your guidance. :worthy