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Transmission,Clutch and Primary Products - Ontario Canada

I finally gave up on finding SPECTRO gear oil.

I got myself some Royal Purple Max Gear Synthetic Gear Oil 75W90 only 15 minutes from my place. Total cost $33.00 with tax for 2 bottles.

This is the site for Canadian dealers if anyone is interested:

Royal Purple Dealers

Thanks to all that responded
Dangerdan, the site you linked doesn't seem to work any longer. It won't do a search properly in any case. I'm going to PM you as well. I'd really like to know where to acquire that gear oil here in Ontario.
Sorry GLIDER that site is American only..NO CANADIAN DEALERS.

I spent a lot of time looking for that site. Now its gone.

Namrepus28 if you're looking for a dealer in Burlington, the corner of Pettit and Industrial sells the stuff. Dont ask me for dealer name.

If your willing to drive to Burlington post here and I will get you the dealer name and address either Monday or Tuesday.
GLIDER you are correct...the Ontario site is there , but for some unknown reason my PC locks up when I try to access it.

Will try tomorrow