i took a trip in august from n.y. to utah and back.total 21 states , 7000 miles in 3 weeks,, get a cup holder for your handle bars, it will help, long sleeve white shirt, and always keep helmet on, despite urge to ride without it and be cool

stop about every 150 miles to get gas weather you think you need it or not, get fresh water or gatorade. Eat lightly for b;fast and especially lunch, as this will curb the urge to get tired as you ride..(blood leaves brain and goes to tummy) always excellerate past 18 wheelers, they
(EDIT) for us bike riders..i had one blow a hydraulic line as i just passed him...whew!! almost a mess,,

start looking for a room as you near your day, if you cant park near the front of motel, put bike out of sight, and remove all unlocked stuff into room.
use sunscreen often and baby 50 spf, it is less likely to sting the eyes, also get some balmex for your butt, (hey ya never know) as your riding, do some exercise if you feel comfortable doing that riding,, arms, legs ,neck ..
day.night goggles also, rain gear a MUST! hope that helps. one other thing, dont over pack, with clothes, you can wash stuff at most hotels every so often.
trinkets can be mailed home as you accumulate to much, cell phone charger and camera with charger. Have fun enjoy.....memories forever...:small3d028:
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