I picked up a pair of V&H black TDs off ebay, brand new from an HD dealer for $140. Now, I'll never see that offer again, but look around and you can find some good prices.
I like my TDs and V&H 4" Blackout rounds and used the SEPST with Smart Tune to true up my VE tables. Engine is silky smooth in the cruise range. The sound is nice at cruise, but very loud when I open up the throttle (which I try not to do often around town).
Some say go with a chambered baffle, like what's in the Monster series from V&H, to keep the back pressure up, but I didn't and like the results.
Some TDs now have a hidden crossover (S&S, Cobra, maybe Kury). Looks like TDs, but the cross over helps in the scavenging. The new Rinehart TD say they have louvers near the head to help wirth exhaust revesion. I have not seen them to comment on.
Enjoy what ever you go with.