I ride out with the lot on the following web site Motorbike Tyres, MOT's and performance servicing from Mr Pig's Motorcycles in Manchester you may know where he is on temperance street. During the light evenings we set off from the airport on wednesdays, now the nights are drawing in we do Sunday rides. My tag is steve b on the pigs forum i posted some pics of my trip to the ardennes.
join the forum and come out for a run. That would make 2 harley's.
once home i will find the number for HOG membership so you can ring em and find out were it is.
i will be fairly easy to spot short dude struggling to reach the floor oh yeah and riding in the rain
I was out riding in the rain last weekend. It was sunny when I left home, but as seems to be normal this year, it rained an hour later. I'm only 30 miles from you as well.
I'm back in the US working again now, so no bike for another month.