As Joni Mitchell once said " Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'till it's gone"Here's a kinda "funny", (but not in a "ha-ha" way) thought.....
I used my CB maybe once or twice, (and probably more realistically, never), and just recently installed a detach kit for my tour-pak, which eliminated my antennas, (they put a hidden fairing antenna in for the radio but the CB has nothing), and I like the look so much I don't imagine putting the tour-pak back on unless I go on a long trip.
That said, NOW, I "miss" my CB!!!!!
Although I always have my cell phone, having the CB was comforting somehow, like knowing you had another way to contact the world in an emergency.
Now that I CAN'T use it, I often find myself wishing I could if I needed to!
Is this just a another manifestation of my well documented paranoia, or is this fear well-grounded??
Yeah, get the radio back, definitely. When I get tired of playing CD's I'll put the radio on for a change. The WB (weather band) chanell can be annoying though. Every time I put it on they're always talking about showers!