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Vertigo, any one here have it

Jack, I experienced severe vertigo when I was college student. I am not sure what was caused. My wife had vertigo a few years ago. We researched and discovered that we need to eliminate (or reduce) sodium on food. I haven't seen my wife having vertigo for few years. Maybe you could try that and see what is happening... Ask your doctor about that and see what he is saying... :bigsmiley4: Hope this will help you! :bigsmiley12:
Thanks for ALL the responses. The Dr seems to think I picked up a virus hMMMMM dont remember being sick. I will make an appointment with Ear Nose and Throat. The Vertigo comes on with NO warning, strange thing indeed, until then I have The Redhead do the adjustments, I think she gets a kick out of twisting my head, she says she watches my eyes as they move rapidly back and forth when the Vertigo is bad, I can feel it and get a head ache after wards

Yes, I have positional vertigo or sometimes called "top shelf" vertigo (BPPV). It started when I had an inner ear infection several years ago, and then got worse with my bike crash last year. When my head is positioned just so, the tiny ear rocks (calcium carbonate) move with gravity and cause my system to get the sensation of spinning. This only lasts a few seconds as long as I keep still and hold my head in the position that started it.

Here is some info on this written in common language so it can be understood!!

BPPV -- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

If this is what you have, then the Epley and Semont Maneuvers may help. If you want something more aggressive, you may wish to check out:

Center for Balance Disorders

Best of luck to you.


Going in to The Mayo April 22-23 for tests with ENT and eye exam