EMCMTONY, I had the exact same incident 1 week ago! I wasn't at a light but waiting for a vehicle 3 cars up to turn left.I heard that bone chilling scream of 4 tires sliding up behind me and I didn't even look back,I just jumped ahead to the right of the car in front of me.I only had a couple of feet of room and just cleared the r/rear fender w/my handlebar cause there was a very deep hole on my right,if I would have had to put my right foot down I would have been in trouble.When I looked in the mirror I could just see the front of the car in the tire smoke about a foot from the bumper of the car that I was behind.I didn't have room to put my stand down and give this clown the lecture that he deserved so when the traffic started moving this idiot took that left and avoided what probably would have gotten me in trouble.Keep it in 1st,watch your mirrors and thank God for every safe ride you get.