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Very Close To Walking A Bit Today (Or Remember To Reset The Odometer Stupid)

Harley gauges are notorious for being bad, even back in the day of AMF BHAAA, I know they spent tons of money, but never addressed the gauges Shame on them
I don't have a working guage or light. Explanation? I bought her (a 2005) in 2008. It didn't work right when I bought her. The problems with these are the sending units. I pulled it numerous times before I gave up. And for those of you that have done so you know what a PIA that is. I calibrated oil & gas meterng systems for some time. I could get high flow, high volume flow meters to be within a couple percent. I gave up on the HD fuel guage. Looked up the resistance at full tank and put a resistor of that value in between he sending unit wire and ground. Then I got a cover to match the one I had on the gas cap to cover the fuel guage cap. Less frustration as long as I remember to reset the odometer. If I don't its bad on me.