free website stats program Very simple question..please answer! | Harley Davidson Forums

Very simple question..please answer!


Despite the question is easy..I don't know the answer!

I'd like to buy the speakers base for the passenger seat but I can't find the right accessory!
Can you send me a link to it? Also I heard there are other companies that make speaker bases for Harleys..could you recommend some?

Not enough info...need to know year (as Dr. Dolittle requested)...

Also, there are a couple of rear speaker options - passenger tour-pak vs. hard bag lid. Do you know which they're wanting to research? Might be best to go to your local HD dealer & source the info.
Doc, I think he means the Rear speaker kit HD Part # 77155-06. Trouble is it's pricey @ $450 a copy and requires "Dealer" installation. Probobly something to do with the stereo system. I haven't seen anything from the aftermarket that'll do this.