FIXED at no cost to me!! :newsmile071: PLUS they promised to warranty the engine for the remainder of the 2 year HD warranty. Who could ask for more? I've actually had the bike back for a couple of weeks now but wanted to make sure everything was working the way it should before getting back to all of you. I have to admit I was not expecting such a positive and quick response from this dealer. I haven't had much luck with them over the past couple of years and have heard some horror stories from others. BUT...There are new people running it now. People that weren’t even there when the original sale happened. Looks like they cleaned house and replaced with quality people willing to stand by their work and their word. You don't find that much anymore. After all the cards were laid on the table, they stood up and took responsibility.
After a few sit downs with the new person running the show, he agreed that maybe things weren't 100% on the up & up when I first bought the bike. Well, in the end they did right by me. And now I can tell you who the dealer is: Kelly's House of HD in Billerica, MA. Brian Heney is the new person running the show and he's OK in my book. He introduced me to his new Service Manager John Marshall. They took me in the shop and introduced me to the tech (Vinny) that would be doing the work. He was very professional. He explained what he found, what he thought happened and what he was going to do step by step to fix. I was also glad to see Cat was still their. She was my sales person at the time. She was new to sales then and always up front with me. If anything was misrepresented during the sale I know it wasn't her doing. Now I'm recommending the dealer rather than telling others they should stay away. The bike runs like brand new! Thank you all for your input and support. And yes, I did let them know how many of you were watching.