I don't get where your coming from Sleddog.You sound like your saying that people annoyed by this type of writing are just getting what they deserve.I've never seen or heard of a 4 or 5 page,whatever it is, rant by a Harley enthusiast like this against other makes. And I for one and I think most other Harley riders when they do go off it is in response to a stupid remark that is initiated by someone else.Start something like that and you better be ready to hear it or shut up.I don't give a rats (
Edit)what anyone else rides or likes, that thier choice, but they get in my face and degrade my choice they better be ready for it.
A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community
Better pump the brakes there kid (I love that line)... What I'm saying is look at yourself and the comments made in this thread. Some are very upset about what is posted on this guys site... So what do some do?? They go and trash other manufactures and those that ride 'em...
Sounds just like what American Angst does... And just like krikket pointed out, "One of the greatest liberties we still have in America is the freedom of speech. What most people don't understand is that it's a double-edged sword. You can say what you want, but most people don't like what others have to say."
And that is the case in most of this thread...
And yes, I'll stand on my soap box again. Why can't we all just get along? Why do some, I would say most but that implies over 50%, of the members here feel that trashing other riders is a good thing?
And I'm sure some are saying, "Well, the other guy started it." Aren't we the riders of superior equipment? Aren't we the ones that support all the charities in our areas? Aren't we the ones with a higher moral character?
If this the case, why do some sink to the level of the American Angst website's author. We talk about how much better our equipment is, how much tighter our community of riders is, but yet some will charge right down the stairs to trade insults with a bottom dweller.
Why can't those that get upset about stuff like this, just let it go. Why is it some folks common practice is to be "common". Why can't we be the "Bigger Man/Women" (want to not leave anyone out...) and just blow this kind of narrow minded stuff off...
All we do is feed into what this guy wants... And yes, I have e-mailed this guy, it was a long time ago... I guess I didn't sink low enough to his level for it to be posted on his site...
How about living up to what is said on this forum... That we ride the best equipment, therefore, we are the best... Let's let that shine thru when stuff like this like comes up. :33:
One last thing trex, I don't think he is going to hear about it by you posting your opposition to his remarks on this site... If you want him to hear what you have to say, maybe you should do it on his site.. For some reason I don't think he's visiting HDTimeline to check on your reaction to his commentary. Just a thought...