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Warning to Riders

My intent in the OP was not to question Ken's riding skills by any means, and I hope no one read it that way.
. . . . . . . . Godspeed Kemo on your current journey. TQ

Oh heavens no I did not read you post that way TQ. I hope you (or anyone else) did not think that. I thought it was an excellent post, extremely timely and offered up life saving data, just as it saved your lives that day it happened to you.

Maybe I should not have offered up Ken's situation, that might have been my failure to see that. If it was viewed that way by anyone I offer my sincere apologizes for my poor judgement.

I have had Ken on my mind for days now since he left us for another journey and I thought that offering up those scenarios where we just have to face fate would "possibly" offer some inner discipline to our riding determination and shore up our love of riding no matter the risks, rather than thinking we can somehow do everything right every time.

In hindsight I can now see it was poor judgement on my part. I will accept that.
I meant no disrespect to anyone. I have done a bunch of statistical studies and really was just saying that if you torture the data long enough it will confess to anything. I also have to apologize to the members.
First, and foremost, I was truly saddened to read about Kemo (Ken). I will miss him a great deal on our forum. Truly a tragic loss for all of us. May he rest in peace.
I never mistook TQ's or R_W_B_ intentions. Please don't think that anything negative was inferred towards Kemo's riding skills. It never even entered my mind.
As far as riding in the right lane to leave ourselves an out in the event of an emergency, it is a good idea except when on a real busy highway and people are constantly entering the highway from the right lane. Many times multiple cars are looking to merge and it can be confusing as to just how that is going to play out. Especially when the car entering the hwy is looking over their shoulder to see if it is safe to merge for them and you see them, to your horror, on the cell phone! This has happened to me and my wife. My thoughts were " I know he is looking at us but did we register in his mind? He's looking at us but does he really see us?"
So on that long trip I moved from the slow right lane with all the merging going on, to the fast lane where at least I felt like as long as I kept up my speed I would be in somewhat more control. That's just my opinion and what worked for us. Believe me, if I could have puttered along on our journey at a nice comfortable speed in the slow lane I would have.
My thanks for the painful reminder on what we can encounter every time we turn the key and head out for an enjoyable ride.
i think eveyones feelings and emotions are running pretty high right now since we all have followed there threads and feel like we really know these people as are true friends and some were fortunate enough to be able to have enjoyed there friendship, at least thats the way i feel.i think we all are lost for words to say and are willing to give any advice to this situation to try and prevent this from happening to another fellow rider.i lost a very close friend a couple of yrs ago and even considered selling my bike but i know that is not what my friend would have wanted me to do. so i do appreciate all that has been said by TQs and RWB. and everyone else as this is a very tough loss for all since this is a time were all making plans to meet ,greet, and attend rallies and make new friends knowing we will be without some of the ones we most cared about.
My second post above was motivated by re-reading my OP carefully and realizing that someone might misinterpret my intent and think I was criticizing Kemo. So that is why I wrote the second post. Not as a reaction to anyone else's post, but rather to my own. I greatly appreciate the wealth of advice that has been generated in this thread. My real hope is that we all take this horrible situation to heart and do whatever we can as riders to maximize our safety on the road especially when riding two up. In that situation, we also have the responsibility for the health and safety of our passenger.

My second post above was motivated by re-reading my OP carefully and realizing that someone might misinterpret my intent and think I was criticizing Kemo. So that is why I wrote the second post. Not as a reaction to anyone else's post, but rather to my own. I greatly appreciate the wealth of advice that has been generated in this thread. My real hope is that we all take this horrible situation to heart and do whatever we can as riders to maximize our safety on the road especially when riding two up. In that situation, we also have the responsibility for the health and safety of our passenger.

"especially when riding two up. In that situation, we also have the responsibility for the health and safety of our passenger."
Well said TQ. I always refer to my passenger, in this case, my wife, as precious cargo. I am doubly careful with her on board.