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Watch out 4 those deer (GORY PICS)

The docor told me its very possible that i might lose the leg. Depends on circulation and whether i get infection. I guess it was busted and had bone marrow exposed. he said that was very serious. Also they couldnt find a pulse in my leg for about 3 hrs after surgery. Might be vein & nerve damage. I have more surgery on Wed.
As far as a sense of humor, yes i have one. We have been joking around. You wont believe where my hospital bed is in our house..........The den, Im facing the television and this.


Hey Pookibr, someone must have a sense of humor...and that must include the 3 spirits of those "above" who think of you as "dear...?!" :yeahright Wishing you a complete and full recovery.
My wife and I are praying for your quick recovery. I am very glad that you are alive and able to tell the story. Keep your chin up and for goodness sakes have someone move the deer heads, that's just weird.

As for the guy in the cage that left you for dead, well karma has a funny way of getting people.
I hope you have a fast and good recovery. It is a shame some people think so little about life that they would leave someone in the road like that. I have a friend that got hit by a car and they left him in the road. What comes around goes around though. I hope everything goes well for you.
I hope you have a fast and good recovery. It is a shame some people think so little about life that they would leave someone in the road like that. I have a friend that got hit by a car and they left him in the road. What comes around goes around though. I hope everything goes well for you.

Something else that is scary, when two cagers and a bike on the road all trying to avoid a collision, the cager's mentality based on the above is the bike is the smaller object...remember when learning to ride our bikes our eyes get fixated on a single object, rather than training our eyes to look "around" an obstacle? Think of all the police officers and motorists hit after a traffic stop by the overly "Attentive Looky-lous"! ...:newsmile055:
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thanks everyone. I go in the morning for more surgery. They are going to reconstruct my knee and i remember something about plates and screws being mentioned.
I hope you get well soon, and good luck with the surgery.

I almost hit a deer two nights ago, and it was my own stupidity. I live in a rural area, so I'm really conscious of looking for them, especially now that they are in rut and it's deer season. I was coming home late from work, and I caught myself going too fast down a country road in the dark. I started to slow down just as two deer darted across the road ahead of me. I started looking quickly for the deer that would be trailing behind them, and sure enough a buck comes bounding out of the treeline. I was able to do a hard -- very hard -- brake, but it got my blood pumping a little faster than I would have liked.

Again, I wish you a speedy recovery.
I was expecting pics of a dead deer...I nearly puked!!!! I hope you're feeling Ok and on the mend.

I think forum rules forbid me venting my feelings about the car driver.

Had a mate hit a cow many years back........the cow was hamburger, my mate broke both arms and felt lucky at that!

How long will you have the external fixator on your leg? I'm also curious about your leg injury. What bones were broken? Was you knee involved? From the placement of the fixator mounts it's hard to tell what other pins you may have, if you have any.

I guess if you are having another surgury Wednesday, the frame just for stablizing the your leg. Hopefully the no pulse problem is solved.

Having had something similar happen, I'm just curious about your course of treatment. Long term fixation may cause blood clots. I spend 5 extra days in the hospital because they I developed them.

Attached is a picture of my right leg after a racing accident back in the 2001. I had a tibial plateau fracture with external fixation and a fasciotomy. I needed a fasciotomy because my leg started to swell, and there by lowering the pulse in my foot, and it was the only way to relieve the pressure. If they didn't do it, I would have lost my lower leg.

Get well soon....

I had my surgery and theydid an open reduction internal fixation of left tibial plateau. The kneecap was in 10 pcs. Doc had to leave out 3 of three of the pieces. I have my whole left leg in a stabilizer brace so i cant bend it. I go back in 3 weeks to start moving my knee. Im sure that will be painfull. I did find out that i came out better then the deer. The deer died and weighed 255#.:newsmile030: