My spots that appeared over time started mostly on the clear coat on the tourpak. They eventually were on all plastic painted parts. It seemed as if my elbow grease with wax were just sealing the spots under the wax. At one point I removed a saddle bag determined to get them out. I tried a variety of products from mild to wild. Some were swirl removing waxes, scrarchX, fine cut cleaner, polishing compounds, etc. I even tried orbital polishers and at several times really had a gray mess. I thought it was hopeless. All the techniqes that had worked so well for me with painted metal just was not working. The spots did appear to be under the surface. I know that the spots are from water but just how and why they wanted to stay when they didn't on tank and fenders I can't understand. It has to have something to do with the differance in the type of paint for the plastic parts and I think diferent chemicals in different waxes seemed to have effected it. So for I stated above what I found that has worked the best for me. I'm sticking to what I learned from this mess and not going to experiment again...I had a real disaster.
PS: Now that you mention it my avatar does favor Mr. Clean ahahaha