I managed to become a minimalist. During my college years and a few year following, I always wore a nice watch, gold bracelet, gold necklace with eagle pendant, gold pinky ring on one hand and a buckle ring on the other and finally, a gold hoop ear ring. Why, am I even admitting to this? Yuck!!!!!
All top drawer stuff to show the world just how important I had become. Once I got married and formed a career (why anyone would give me a job or hire me is another topic), I dropped everything. Even before cell phones became the perminate fixture of everyones' lifes.
I found one of my nice watches just a few months ago. Had the battery replaced and wore it to work one day. Still sitting in the car after I took it off. Just doesn't feel right anymore.
Now I hide my Black Berry when ever I ride. Love to lose that one but, it helps pay the bills so, it's one of the necessary evils.