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weather (temp) and oil

thanks to all who posted, was curious and got my answer..20-50 syn is fine ,,
i think i was using the OLD standard i learned many years ago in the Navy as an engineman, but technology passed it all by..LOL LOL! thanks again folks. :D
I use Mobil One full synthetic for V Twin engines. As good as it gets and available everywhere. Plus, you never see anything ever posted bad about it, many happy users, all can't be wrong. :D
so i am here in fla. and i am wondering what if any oil changes i should make for my ride. My concern is with the temps here in fla. should i continue using a brand name syn. oil? 20-50...or maybe because of the heat. (air temp) here in fla. should i go to a 10-40 syn?? thanks..ryd :D

Your ride, you decide...but you will find from the oil polls and statistical evidence, most riders like to use 100% Synthetic 20W-50 made for V-Twin Motorcycles oils. This is due to modern engines running so hot and needing the protection of 50 weight oil when the heat is on. Do not recommend going to "thinner" grade of oil when HOT...which is the opposite of what one would do for maximum hot weather protection. The lower number with the W following it indicates in cold "Winter" grade it will flow like thin 10W or 20W oil...:s

100% Synthetic means that the oil was "man made" oil that is "pure" in that they are chemically synthesized without inert impurities or ash associated with petroleum based oil stocks. "Dino oil" refers affectionately to dinosaur/plant organic based natural petroleum based oils" pumped out of the ground...but refined and filtered as much as possible for use as lubricating oil, (before, man used whale blubber and other organics for lubricating and heating oil).
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