Active Member
I gess none of us really know what it would take to get us off the bike untill it happens...My wife doesnt ride and she worrys alot me but thats not going to make me quit..When I raced cars I saw a frend hit the wall so hard he died. Yes It hurts but I didnt stop racing because I loved doing it. Mabe if I was in a bad crash on my bike or I saw one happen I would think about geting off the bike..I know you loved your frend and I am verry sorry but I cant help but wonder....Did you love riding before this happen Also...I mean no disrespect to you sir.
Thanks Mat. I hear ya for sure. I truly love riding. It's not only a hobby but i'ts who I am. That being said...having my family healthy and "happy" means more to me than riding ever could. I am willing to give it up for their sake and move on to something else that they are comfortable with. My folks arent going to be around too many more years and I want to enjoy them and not worry them if all I have to do is stop riding.
I am keeping my Yamaha XT250 to ride in the mountains on the dirt trails. I can scratch my itch with it for now. I guarantee...I haven't owned my last Harley.
We sold Paulas Fatboy today and he is picking it up on Friday.
One to go.
2008 SG Vivid Black. SE Air, TFI, Rinehart Slip-Ons, Both Backrests...9419 mles.
What'll you give me for it?