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What Air Cleaner?

Glider and any of the techies- do you guys recommend the TFI above the Power Commander, Harley's model, or just the HD Stage 1 download? Which do you like the best and why? THANKS!
Thanks guys! I'll tell ya- I had the PCIII on my King for awhile, and it had all kinds of problems. It is a good product- but it seems that whatever the diagnostic system is in the HD's do not play very nice with components that it does not recognize. I had all kinds of issues with it, and ended up selling it and having Zippers put theirs in mine. This still had some issues too, but they were able to resolve 99% of them. I am not sure if there is some sort of computer chip in HD's diagnostic system in there or something, but this average Joe doesn't have the skills to get it right- so I went to the pros.

Thanks much for the info- I've got a lot of homework to do!!