"What I have learned OR how I got to like my HD". Well, after 2 months of riding my 2000 Sporty I learned:
You will never completely eliminate carb farts.
The gearbox makes a little noise, it's normal.
The vibration will cause your throttle hand to go numb after a few hours riding.
The tires will stick to the pavement better than you think.
I can easily outrun a Honda 750 Shadow in a drag race.
It's normal for the front brake to make a little burring sound when used.
That damn, I think it really does get 45 MPG.
The wind is pretty strong at 90 MPH.
That motorcyclists actually wave at each other on the road.
That adjustment and lubrication of the throttle cables is important.
That windshields and bags have a practical purpose.
To use the front brake more often, and practice panic stops.
That I can have a bad day at work and then ride the Sporty for 30 minutes and be in a good mood again.:rider
And that I really like this bike, glad I have it.