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What is best tuner?

All good points and the $ value is surely valid. Having not touched the TFI I only rely on the members here for opinions and I do value that. The TTS is NOT cheap nor is it all that simple for those that want to do it them selves with no knowledge, or minimal ability, I would not recommend it. However, having said that with patients, a little ability, and some desire to learn it can be done and done well. Further it is a good tool for those that want to keep adding to their machine as it can be tuned to run about any set up. If you are squeezing horsepower on a dyno it's hard to beat. On my wifes bike all I am looking for is a stage 1 and to drop the heat and it sounds like the TFI would do the job. I am not really promoting or trying to talk badly about any tuner out there just trying to learn and possibly help those that might be totally confused. Thanks for all your input...
One other thought and possibly a consideration would be warrantee, and no I don't want to hash what would, should, and will probably happen but the TTS is a full on programmer that should you have a motor problem depending on your relationship with your dealership could compromise your issue, while the TFI can be completely removed without a trace and therefore not question.
I run a Power Commander on my Road King. Never had an issue and easy to install. Can make changes as you modify your bike. I stand behind the Power Commander. Not saying others are not as good. I have only ran Power Commander and never an issue.
I had XIED's on my 09 Heritage classic. Replaced them with a Dobeck gen 3. I have to say the gen 3 was almost as easy to install as the XIED's. After 700 mls in the last week and half, I did not go wrong. I also had to file the connectors to latch. No big deal. Lightly brushed them on the side of the finish wheel of my grinder. Bike runs 25 to 30 degrees cooler. All my decel pop is gone(miss some of my rumble and grumble). Bike has alot more low end punch. It moves this Santa and Momma Cass down the road. You will not go wrong with the gen 3.
I want to think the ones that got the HDT deal with Dobeck. WERE NOT WORTHY
Another vote for Techlusion/Dobeck...great device, awesome company & sweet performance. Also, they won't try to sell you something you don't need...remember to get the member discount...
I don't get the 90's technology thing...heres how I look at it, not having one yet, not being a wrencher, living 100 + miles from nearest HD dealership, not wanting to spend big $$$ for dyno stuff everytime a change to bike is again is the TFI a bad thing? I just want to do a stage 1...the utmost basic and cost effective way. not racing, not high performance, stock engine. The TFI or one of it's similar comparables seems like the ideal thing for a guy like me. IMO. :)
Gosh Hoople, That is Great stuff you spout..:D

This would be a Great question to put over to DobeckTechSupport..

I'd Love to Hear Their answers. If you post it over there it would be of interest to Many.. If you would jkelley.. Copy, and ask your question there...

Hoople is spot on and Fair...

It lowered my mileage after going Stage One and TFI from 44/46 best (Lean & stock) off the floor. Stage one and TFI. I got a lot less heat and More Umph, 40/42 mpg constant and When on the open roads, even 2 up, it gets better..

I would ask? how much for the TTS and set-up??? The TFI or Gen3 comes with a hefty HDT Members discount -50$ and free shipping.. making it around 200$ give or take. I know a few member like you that have TTS set-up and the TFI units Just can't be Evenly matched, BUT for less $$ and owner install/set-up by yourself without a Dyno or Laptop. TFI is simply an easy way to go getting you GREAT results.


Here is the response from Dobeck:
Gen 3 is our tired and true always works and rarely have any issues with this unit. It can only add fuel to the stock curve.

GEN3 EFI Controller - ATVs, UTVs, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles

Gen 3.5 is our newer controller that should only be used if the vehicle needs fuel to be subtracted from the stock map.

EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection Controllers - ATVs, UTVs, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, Scooters, Sport Bikes, Watercraft

Gen 4 is our newest controller and will not be ready for production or sales until late summer. We are currently testing in house and have a few people from HD forums that are running them.

Our Gen 3 controller that I suggested will affect you gas mileage a little bit. Typically you will see 38-44 mpg once the bike is tuned in. There are things we can do with our controller to regain the fuel economy you were achieving stock. The Oxygen Sensors are only used to check AFR or CO levels. Changes altitude and other environmental the stock ECU will take care of.


Chris Shover
Is there any chance that the low idle issue I have on my 07 electra glide after bike has been running 30-mins to hour have any relationship to the issue with file down connectors. I did have a real hard time to get the piggyback to lock into my connector and noticed at later date the factory connector was cracked at connection so i used tie wrap to be sure connector was not coming loose. Just curious if any of those had idle issues after the TFI install.
Is there any chance that the low idle issue I have on my 07 electra glide after bike has been running 30-mins to hour have any relationship to the issue with file down connectors. I did have a real hard time to get the piggyback to lock into my connector and noticed at later date the factory connector was cracked at connection so i used tie wrap to be sure connector was not coming loose. Just curious if any of those had idle issues after the TFI install.
I really DOUBT if filling the connectors to make the fit would do anything to the TFI and Low idle...
The First pot (Green) May need adjustment when Engine IS Warmed Like the instructions say to do it. I'm pretty sure The GREEN pot adjustment,ADJUSTED when engine is WARM will solve your LOW idle.

There is a setting ? on pot 3 that turns off the idle ADDED fuel at base idle, that allows added fuel to come on at 1250 RPM and Not at idle..

You (we) need to go to the Dobecks product forum here and ask that question to Dallas/Chris to get the proper answer.. I've been away from the information so long, I NEED A re-fresher course :D

Link to ask your question

TFI Questions Answered By Dobeck - Harley Davidson Community

This will get the RIGHT answer for all to read.
