Guess you found out what that plug is ...
It looks like the connection for your ion drive system. Unfortunately it does not work at sub light speed. Try to get a speed boost from your local steam locamotive.
Do you have a feeling it could be a battery tender plug? :lolrolling
rough crowd today:newsmile100::newsmile100:
Yeah, kinda rough crowd, but all in good fun...the battery tender pigtail is usually provided by some H-D dealers as standard, so they can keep their inventory fresh and ready to test ride. Pigtail on the lower right in the pix is the harness, the insulated eyelets connected to the main battery terminals, the polarized plug end allows you to connect it to the AC adapter/tender "lump" on the left is plugged into the wall outlet, 115VAC, can also get one with a universal 115/230VAC version for international wall outlet.:s
They sometimes will install the immobilizer Security I or II module to help protect their large stock of motorcycles from theft. That is why you will have with the keys, the 2 FOB actuator devices as a "bonus". :bigsmiley12:
Yeah, was one of those deals I guess... Apologies to the OP, was meant in good fun, hope I didn't offend...
Yeah if it's taken that way then no harm but I got to thinking the poor guy was just ask'en a question ... Can't learn noth'en if you don't ask questions... Don't want folks being drove off the site because the asked a question and got hammered for asking it :bigsmiley23:
I'm still not clear what the third, (flat) unused connector is for. Did I miss somthing?