Glider, I was wondering, would Sea Foam or the Marvel Mystery Oil be better to run through the bike? I am hoping to get the bike out and run it towards the end of the week, better weather supposed to be coming. I know that I have had good results with the SF, and I also know that I could probably go out to hubby's shop & find a can of it there. I am pretty sure I would have to go out and buy the MM, but I could do that. I figured you would know a little more about the properties and such, that if one was better than the other. I could read the bottles, but I just don't know enough about engines yet, haha, but I'm working on that...(with your help of course). Just wondering what your opinion was here. If it doesn't really matter, I'll stick with what I know....
but if one might be better than the other, I would go that route. I'm guessing that they are about the same??? and that it won't matter so much just as long you use something to clean things up a bit?
I am glad to hear about the ocean sounds......I'll have to try that!
I am glad to hear about the ocean sounds......I'll have to try that!