Well my earlier years I was a repo man (about 16 years) and it was awesome. I loved it and couldn't wait to get dinner done so that I could get out and take care of business. The harder the repo, the better I liked it. Became a game.
Now days, I'm a computer specialist. I little boring to say the least, but it's a job. It does have it's moments though. Brain getting older so everything is a bit more challenging. I've managed to master the use of both brain cells to capacity! :bigsmiley20:
work for large cancer laboratory out of NY, we do all the special testing that the local hostipals don't do, 10 years with same company, corporate america getting real old, I do sales in Florida and training.
Retired from the USAF 10 years ago, worked for Home Depot for a while but they got to money hungry and stopped caring about the customers when the original owners retired. Now I work for ToyRUs, and they are getting just as bad. Will be looking for something else soon.