Managed a tool and equipment rental store, then was a partner in a small custom bike shop. Partner blew all the money on drugs and we lost the business.
Moved on to running a backhoe for a service station maintenance company.
then managed a large commercial construction company warehouse in Youngstown, Ohio. Steel mills shut down, railroad pulled out, GM (Lordstown) shutdown and Youngstown pretty much shutdown.
Moved back to NJ and went to school for computer programming.
Did programming for a couple of years before working 15 years as a computer control systems tech for a large chemical company. You hunters out there would probably know the mother company-- Hercules (RED Dot powder)
The plant closed 6 years ago and got state paid retraining. Learned AutoCAD and now work doing space planning. Meaning that I design and draw floor plans for large companies that are relocating or re-configuring their facility.
Hopefully I can work a few more years until my wife gets old enough to retire.
That's what I get for marrying a younger woman.