Junior Member
Just let me know when, I should be moved by then :newsmile100:
I'll bet I can get there before you can move.:small3d006:
Just let me know when, I should be moved by then :newsmile100:
And I'm thinking we could take up a collection to fly The Hobster in......I'll pick him up at the airport on the way up! (He'd be flying into LaGuardia, right?)
It's been FREEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZING COLD here and all I can think about is how much I HATE winter, and how I can't wait for this season to be OVER.
My next ride? If we get a warm enough day, and I don't care if it's only to go buy a loaf of bread, I'm taking the bike out, just to remind myself of the good days that lie ahead!
But once the weather truly breaks, and Spring is really HERE, then I am riding every chance I get this year, whether it's a planned "trip" or just a ride downtown. The last few years, I always let life "get in the way", but not this year! We only have so many rides left in all of us, and at 55 I am starting to think about the day when I won't be able to ride anywhere anymore......so THIS year, I'm riding! Long trips, short ones, and planned and spur of the moment un-planned trips too! Including a few get-togethers of as many HDTimeline members as we can assemble for our trip to Glider's front lawn, where we are going to grill a few fillet mignon steaks for his family, (and burgers for the rest of us.....we're in a tough economy here boys!), as his neighbors look on in horror at the few dozen, (at least!!!), scruffy bikers tossing back brews and acting quite obnoxious in his previously quiet little suburb!
Who's in????
Let's get out there and RIDE!
A ride to memphis from Milwaukee just have not worked out dates.
There may be a ride over to MI. planned at the last minute.
And a ride west this year