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What manual to use

Sounds like the HD manual is the way to go. I agree the parts manual and a electrical manual would help. I am going to purchase one in the next month. Thanks.
Right. Factory service manual for your model and year is an essential part of your tool box. Some shops will have these on the discount pile, so look there first.

Also useful (but not essential) is the HD Parts manual again for your model and year.

Finally, for your model and year, you might consider the electical system diagnostic manual (this is on the luxury side of needs). You will need something to tap into the computer for the trouble codes like Daytona Sensors Twin Scan II. Makes figuring out all that "spooky" stuff easier.


Interesting that I bought the electrical system diagnostics book first because it was available before the service manual. There is lots of stuff in this book. Now all I need is the parts manual so I don't have to spend so much time at the parts counter looking stuff up.