A Gold Honda CB 200. I met my best friend in H.S. the first week when I pulled into the parking lot and saw him sitting on the same exact model, except it was silver.
First street bike was a blue 78 Suzuki GS400. It was a good little bike and I rode it for about 3yrs. My 17 yr old stepson bought an 85 250 rebel fixer-upper. He has it just about road ready and after a few rides through the neighborhood, already wants something faster. I wish he would ride the rebel for awhile before jumping on a crotch rocket. I want to teach my wife to ride on the rebel- it seems perfect to learn on , especially if you're 5'2".
I was born and raised in eastern PA. (Fleetwood and Reading, PA) When I was a kid, Triumph's, Norton's and BSA's were popular. My first bike was a Triumph TR6 'chopper'. I was 15. I traded a '66 Mustang for it. The Mustang needed a tranny.
My first bike was a bike with a Briggs and Straton reel lawnmower engine with a centrifical clutch. Learned about gear ratios the hard way. When I got out of the Army I bought a new 1970 Honda CL450 for $1025 cash which was a large powerful bike at the time. A Honda Shadow VLX would be a good first bike too.