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What's that smell?

Having more than 1 dog can be interesting at times our 2 are related father and daughter but there are at times squabbles but the old one looked after the young one when he needed to now the young one looks after the old one especially if he wanders off
im sure you will have some interesting interactions over time

I love that about dogs...We had a 15 year old black lab when we got the poodles, and Rocky was a saint. So patient with the puppies. :) He went through 4 puppies in the last 2 years. Unfortunately, we had to have him put down in August. But I also think he was good for the pups, and the pups were good for him. ;)
That's just too (EDIT) cute! Look at the paws he's gotta grow into
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Ahhhh, how adorable is that? :) I love it. The problem is when he gets bigger, then where will your wife sit? :D
Ok Jasper is 3 months old, last week he topped 31 lbs.
We have been trained about the no water after 7 pm.
He is adjusted to the food Lynn wants him on and no more getting up every hour to put him out to pee.
I got 6 hr of sleep last night.
Looks like it is time to power rake the yard.