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what's the best softail model?

Why the Deuce, of course. Not only the best Softail, the best motorcycle. Of all time. Ever. I you don't believe me, just ask me.

What he said. Alot of people dislike the deuce cause of the rear fender, I think it's sweet, plus the tank is by far the best of the softails.
The Deluxe of course! If it wasn't the best why would they name it Deluxe? Apparently Harley has decided this question already and I have their factory approved best Softail, namely the Deluxe. At least I think so!!!!!!!!!!!
Something about that Springer that just looks, a motorcycle should.

Well ok you're right, those springers are really nice looking. Now if you could get a springer fork on my Deluxe that might be nice, but I think springers look better with narrower tires.
Well ok you're right, those springers are really nice looking. Now if you could get a springer fork on my Deluxe that might be nice, but I think springers look better with narrower tires.

Definetely look better with the narrow front tire. If a springer has a wide front tire, it needs to have something pre-shovel in the frame to go with it. Just my opinion.
Fell in love with the Fatboy Lo the first time I laid eyes on it. Picked it up from the dealer 2 weeks later. So my vote is Fat Boy Lo
How many rigid riders complain of back problems later in they wish they converted to SofTail years ago. I'm particular to the Heritage & FatBoy myself...
I like the Heritage. When I sat on it I was surprised that I could flat foot it. I'm short and some bikes are too tall for me to sit on comfortably.
The Deluxe of course! If it wasn't the best why would they name it Deluxe? Apparently Harley has decided this question already and I have their factory approved best Softail, namely the Deluxe. At least I think so!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm with you - the Deluxe! Unless you are tall - then the Heritage Classic. These bikes look like a motorcycle was meant to look!:D