Get a window seat and enjoy the flight!!! Seriously, she sounds like a good woman to do this museum trip for you, so maybe it's your turn to pony up and give in, I'm sure you guys will work it out...the drama of it all...LOL!!
TWO sides to every story..
I think IF it is the way You presented it Here....
She is being Very SELFISH...
How often do you cave-in or do what She Wants?
How often does She do your wants?
I'd ask her to read over these post and see what she thinks
My wife and I have been together 38 years and we have Never Demanded our way or the highway.. Close at times but TALK it out.
A passion you dearly Love and Love her at the same time will Work IF both parties TRY to satisfy each others Wants....
My wife goes to Baseball spring training and I RIDE the bike. I do take an interest in baseball and she Does ride with me on the Harley.. BUT I LIVE to Ride and she Lives Baseball.. We compromise on this Issue.
Yes TANK, she will be there again Shortly.. 3 weeks of BLISS..:rofl
I watched/listened to all the Harley problems my mother and dad had. :newsmile047:
A 1951 Beautiful pan-head sitting in a garage Because of my Mother's Running the Show and HE allowed that... Both DEAD and gone now so WHAT did that accomplish ??????
TWO unhappy Fighting people.:small3d023:
Not in MY (our) lifetime please.
Nothing is perfect in Most relationships But trying to make it that way is Possible.. We call it GIVE and TAKE...
I do have to admit there is NO wearing of pants in our relationship but I Do Have the final word. BUT, I can't think of a time it was actually needed.
ALSO,"Yes Dear" every time has never been, By either of us.
Good Luck... Life is SHORT and getting Shorter every day...
. I have been trying for days to think of a way of saying what I think and you did it in one word....DRAMA....Thanks..![]()
IMO you don't tell her that. She is willing, as you put it, "go and pretend to be interested for my sake". What a great woman! She is willing to spend a weekend doing something she may not even enjoy, for you.
You should pack your bags, drive to the airport and enjoy the plane ride for her sake. It cannot take that long to fly there from Pittsburgh. The weekend will probably be allot more fun with a woman that wanted to be with you, than a few of your friends.
Who knows, this might actually break the ice with her and your bike, next year the 2 of you might ride to the museum together (we can dream can't we).
These are ALL great comments and solutions. And from what I get out of this is simply... HONESTY. I can't put any input because I am well over 60, and never married. But as I was growing up my parents taught me the 'right' way to live life.(old fashion morals and values) It seemed to hang on to me, as I never had a problem with any of the women that I had a relationship with. It ALL boils down to honesty and communications with each partner.
Hey adam, have you solved your problem yet? Hope so!
Hey sound like a down to earth kind of man.....we need more of ya's!......
Mats .OUOTE...Thanks man...Sometimes saying what you think can get you in trubble...:s
No problem here Mat. Each relationship is different, each couple handle things the way it works for them. I think the original poster just wanted to see how others would handle his situation.