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What's wrong with me?

I think we've all been there. You get into a "routine" ffor lack of a better word. Take the forum advice and just get out and get going on your scoot. The good weather will be coming along shortly. I agree, this winter has been tough...
You guys are absolutely right just hearing it start up was a tremendous boost in morale. It made me feel a tone better to take it for a short trip on lunch!
Maybe you're just sad (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Shorter days, and crummy weather put a lot of people in this mind frame. It should improve soon. However if you really didn't ride last year, you might want to figure out why. Do you think the bike may be unreliable and break down? Afraid of having an accident? Tired of the same bike? Pull the Fx'r out and give it a good cleaning, and do some maint., you may get fired up to ride. :s
If none of that works, do what I did, go and plunk a chunk of cash on a new bike. That got ME riding again.:laugh

Breeze may have a good point..."Retail Therapy"...pass me the HD Parts and Accessories catalog please...:newsmile100: