free website stats program When do we hit 60,000 Members | Page 8 | Harley Davidson Forums

When do we hit 60,000 Members

With 60,000 and a Sea of Blue we are headed in the right direction. It amazes me how much support has come out and surprisingly not much negativity or bashing unlike some children in a sand box who just cant quite figure it out, I am sticking with Halloween 2011:s
We are currently at 53,929. I think Halloween 2011 is a bit optomistic.... :p

Looks like we are averaging about 40 new members per day.

40 new members a day :lolrolling.

Some places it takes a year to do that, then they have to jump up and down and "bloviate" when they get one a day :lolrolling

The part that I really have to laugh about is the members that get banned here most always try to sneak back in again under another name. Maybe they realize that they made a mistake. :D
23 march 2012 that is just a guess but it has been a good date for me in the past
