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When do you Ride?

When do you Ride?

  • Work/ Comuting

    Votes: 91 65.5%
  • Evenings/ After Work

    Votes: 106 76.3%
  • Saturdays

    Votes: 123 88.5%
  • Sundays

    Votes: 125 89.9%
  • Special Events

    Votes: 94 67.6%

  • Total voters
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I thought it might be interesting to see when most people Ride.

For Work?



Special Events?

Vote for as many choices as apply to you.

List your favorite here in a reply post.
Every day to work unless ice on road. Any chance I get on weekends. Short trips <1000M. Haven't taken a long trip on my baby yet but plan to go visit my brother in Florida in a few months. Still getting acquainted with my 08 FLHTCU.
Beings that I'm retired (along time comming) I ride almost anytime I want,so there is no set pattern. When I did work I rode to work some days and then on weekends. I ride all year arond if there is no snow or ice on the ground. I just can't stand to see it sitting there looking pretty when it could be out on the road getting dirty. Fuzy
The poll was interesting, but didn't cover enough categories. I ride everyday, but not to work. I'm retired. Like the folks that live where riding is year round, I ride in southwest Texas, but am currently in NC, great riding here too. In SW Texas, the afternoon heat is something else. Hydration(low humidity takes the body fluids) is required after 2PM and I go early, back by 2PM. We have made day trips, but water is essential. Other times of the year all day is great as long as temp is above 40. I'm kind of skeptical of riding in the winter in NC, gotta get used to that.
Whenever I can, I don't like ridin to work though. Just got back from a nice sunset ride. Things are coolin down around here and days are getting really short. The leaves are just starting to change so we gotta ride as much as possible before the snow (Dennis, that's white **** that screws up yer access to ridin because temps hover way below freezing :)... )
I ride every freakin chance I get..I'm retired so I get to ride anywhere i want...oh I should say anywhere my wife lets me go!
I ride every Day to work. Living in South Texas is nice in that there are lots of good riding days and if you've had a bad day at work what a better way to forget and stress relief. I ride 70 miles + every day. And on the weekends I try to go up to the Texas Hill country and RIDE. If you every come to SAN Antonio
You have to do the HILL country run IE 337,335,336 and so on . It's a Blast. Ride Safe.
I ride every chance I get...I hate being in a car!!!!!!
the winter time sucks I don't travel much if I can't go on a bike. I've ridden on ice, in snow 80 mph winds......and I'de still rather be on 2 wheels.
I ride everyday year round & in the winter I am good as long as there is no snow or ice. I wear a heated jacket that keeps me as warm as I want to be.
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