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When it's Cold, How Cold is Cold

Me, on a nightrain, I'm good down to about 40. The other day I bought a Neophrene (sp?) gator neck with a "bib" in the front. I can pull it up to just below the nose... works great.

That sounds like a plan. I don't ride with a shield. Hate it. But I do need to cover my mouth. Sucking in all that cold air at my age doesn't do the ticker any good. Thanks for great tip.
In my nec of the woods,it rarely gets below 0 c,but it IS wet most of the time,so the question for me is more in the line of how deep is the water I'm willing to ride in, a window on my bike is niether here nor there,flippers or not is the question.:bigsmiley15:
Two years ago I rode to work in 26 degrees. It takes about 30 mins at 60 mph to get to work. Was sick for a week. So now 32 is my limit.

When I was younger (alot) I would ride in the high teens.
Me, on a nightrain, I'm good down to about 40. The other day I bought a Neophrene (sp?) gator neck with a "bib" in the front. I can pull it up to just below the nose... works great.

I am with you 40 is about it for me, no windsheild, half helmet!! I can handle about 40 and no lower:s
If it's not raining or snowing I'll most likely be riding to work. Last week we had a couple days where it was 27 - 28 degrees and I bundled up pretty good, didn't get too cold.
I agree, my FatBob runs great in 30 to 40 degree weather. Sucks the cold air and stays a little cooler, but then again, so do I. I'm glad to see so many of you riding in the cold and being called nuts by the old lady. Now I can say, "See, I told you I'm not the only nut out there." Thanks guys.
In our house Hubby calls ME "NUTS". I'll go out at about 40 degrees,but he thinks 50 is too cold.:rofl Maybe it's because I started riding so late in life (I was 60 when I took the rider-ed course)so I have to make up for alot of lost time.:newsmile062::newsmile062: What I need to find is a good warm pair of gloves. My hands give out long before the rest of me gets too cold to ride.:small3d014::small3d014:
Ever see signs reading "Bridge Freezes Before Road Surface"?
Any place you can get under freezing can have part of the road freeze when everything is clear - no snow, no ice, no salt. I hit black ice in Maine once in a cage with the temp about 30 degrees. I became a spectator when I went across the ice. Also, watched a couple of others slide in front of me after I went of the road. Went home and parked it.
Rode today in Kansas City, temp was 36 when I left and had a good ride. 44 when got back. 35 is the lower limit for me.
And I do like a windshield on my Dyna. I used to be one who would never spoil the looks of a bike with windshield or bags.
I live in south florida so below 70 is definitely nippy. Have been known to ride in the mid 50's with proper gear and a full fairing!