Have you looked into the air bladder seats? They are a bit costly but weigh that against not riding and the price will be worth it.
Just wanted to add a quick comment, especially for Cedar's benefit.
I was being a little facetious in my response quoting the old doctor's advice "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning", a cliché we have all heard before.
The more serious, and far more beneficial response, is Cedar's.
Your condition should, (correction---MUST) be medically evaluated and appropriated diagnosed and treated by a qualified physician.
Certainly there are FAR better pain-relief meds available than aspirin, (again, I was using an old cliché facetiously, not meant to be taken literally), and actually, chronic pain may indeed be exacerbated by riding, and that's NOT something you want to do, although we all understand your desire to continue to ride.
I had a serious, actually, a near-death serious, motorcycle accident almost 40 years ago, and thankfully, my only one, but it left me with conditions that now cause chronic, and sometime almost unbearable pain.
I still ride, but every year it gets harder and the rides get shorter.
That said, I intend to continue to ride until I literally can't hold the bike up any longer, and then?
A trike!
So, again, I hope this clarifies and gives more weight to a serious question you asked, which deserved a more serious response, as Cedar and some of the other fellas gave you.
Whatever you decide to do, do it following a doctor's advice and above all, Ride Safe!