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Where do you put your helmet when you get where you're going?

We usually leave ours on the handlebars...... but we ride outside of the big cities, in rural areas. People up there seem to respect your property more than City Folk, especially the Yuppies. In shopping malls though, or areas close to major freeways or highways, I probably would take it with me. I dont want someone to think the helmet was good for the taking, pull it off the bike and end up pulling the bike over or damaging the bike or paint because they got mad that they couldnt steal it.
It's a real shame how folks these days treat other people's property.
I never used to care if I left my helmet on bike ( usually on seat) but since I have put a few more dollars into my setup with the BlueAnt communications and new helmet, I only leave it on bike when I am around family and my riding club friends. Any other place where I even have to think about it, it comes with me.
My helmet is always on my fwd control brake pedal. It has never been taken, knock on wood. It's not a very expensive helmet, so that makes a difference.
Most of the time, I just leave it drapped over my handlebars. If I am in an area that I'm not sure of, I take it with me.
I actually carry a cheap lock and lock it on my lugage rack. It serves more of a deterant than anything else. If in a friendly area, handlebars.
Like most others, if I am in an area that I think looks safe, I just leave it hanging from the right grip. Failing that, I carry it around with me.