Thanks again for all of your info, I had a good laugh reading the one where I was advised to look into the bikes coming out in a year or two seeing that I am waiting for a house to sell in order to be able to buy my bike. The good Dr. Doolittle made a good point about the touring bikes being made "frames and suspension" for the long rides. I am now leaning towards the Road King Classic. I have a question, does anyone have a link to pictures of the new Road King without the bags. I'm wondering what is behind the bags. I guess what I'm trying to say does the bike look good without the bags "like a soft tail deluxe looks good. Also, in bumper to bumper traffic how is the handling or balance of the touring bikes. I have ridden bikes off and on for 30 years or so but I have never had this large "or heavy" of a bike. I guess my question is in concern of the bike falling over. I know that once you pass a certain point that a heavy bike could be hard to manhandle back up to the balance point. Please dont laugh, This is something I have wondered.