J Jack Klarich Guest Feb 22, 2010 #21 There are also time serts avaiable they work like heli coils but are made of steel and last forever, unlike heli coils the threads do not stretch
There are also time serts avaiable they work like heli coils but are made of steel and last forever, unlike heli coils the threads do not stretch
NEWHD74FAN Experienced Member Retired Moderators Feb 22, 2010 #22 Time serts spec. and look like a viable alternative, but cost, availablility and need for ornamental or non-critical covers application hard to justify...sparkplug holes and other critical areas I would say yes...JMO.
Time serts spec. and look like a viable alternative, but cost, availablility and need for ornamental or non-critical covers application hard to justify...sparkplug holes and other critical areas I would say yes...JMO.