I have a 09 Ultra and am very happy. I do believe that the Street Glide is the current hot bike. Just look around, everybody has one. It is probably the most all around for touring bikes. I do like the fact I can (if I wanted to) convert my Ultra to a street glide type easier than the other way around. If I was a solo rider I might have considered the street glide, but the Ultra made the most sense for my situation. They are all good IMO.
Not so sure I agree with you there. I added the detachable tour pak to my FLHX so now, short of some lowers, rear speakers, and intercom/CB I'm pretty much the same as an Ultra for all intents and purposes. You'd have to strip off a lot of chrome, remove the light bar, replace the windshield, and drop the suspension a bit to even come close to the Street Glide look.
NOT! Much easier to remove than to add. They make the quick detach specifically for this purpoose. Much more spendy for you to get to an Utra (if you even can) than it is for me to go to a Street Glide look. I see Ultras all over the place that have the quick release system and give that cleaned up look like a SG. May not be the same bike as far as lower and such, but the basic look is there. You can't get to the Ultra look near as easy. :lero:lero LOL!