Eagle Rider
Wow. Did I miss out on a nice debate? Rules vs. Anarchy, Censorship vs. Freedom of Speech. Isn’t America great?!? 
Well, I must add my 2 cents.
I too was a deviant that used the swill of the profanity to express my feelings.:31: I was quickly consulted by Glider and told of my deviation from the rules. As some others have stated I did not feel my word was offensive, but it was a word that was indeed on the banned list. I violated the standing rules due to my failure to read said rules. I have no one to blame for my error but myself.
Now, if I want to use these devilish words, well I have every right too…but not on this site. Like every civilized society, we here at HD Talking live by the Laws of this community; if you break those laws, well you know the saying – “Do the crime, do the time”.:s
I appreciate the Moderators efforts to keep the Forum a pleasant place to visit. I vow to be more careful with my words and do my part to contribute to the good of the forum. So help me Harley Davidson.:newsmile071:
Well, I must add my 2 cents.
I too was a deviant that used the swill of the profanity to express my feelings.:31: I was quickly consulted by Glider and told of my deviation from the rules. As some others have stated I did not feel my word was offensive, but it was a word that was indeed on the banned list. I violated the standing rules due to my failure to read said rules. I have no one to blame for my error but myself.
Now, if I want to use these devilish words, well I have every right too…but not on this site. Like every civilized society, we here at HD Talking live by the Laws of this community; if you break those laws, well you know the saying – “Do the crime, do the time”.:s
I appreciate the Moderators efforts to keep the Forum a pleasant place to visit. I vow to be more careful with my words and do my part to contribute to the good of the forum. So help me Harley Davidson.:newsmile071: