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Why Sturgis?

I also get BENT out of shape when I see Some of the modern "Bikers" that comes along with the Crowds that attend rally's...

I am of the kind(like many here) that does what I want and Doesn't need to IMPRESS the others by False Methods...

If you ride OR trailer makes No difference to me,,,, But I Disagree with Many who; LIE, Cheat and Steal to Pretend they are a "Biker".... There are those types Just like you said.. called "Posers".

Another thing that bothers me is the Big $$$$$$$$$$ crowd. Bigger every year with more Bought Bikes, saying I Made It.. Seems they trailer their MANY $$$$$$ machineS and even have a mechanic along to keep the billion dollar bikes running right, while they POSE around the rally..

I guess it is partial $$ Jealousy on my part.. I usually run into one that likes to brag "his" many bikes and how "Big" the motors and Blaw blaw...

It was Fun to ask one guy in camp, about the inner-makings of his machines...

Then I heard him call "Hey Charley , What do we have in this one?????" Charley was His Personal Mechanic.

I guess $$ Are important but give me a break.... Haw ha, a Personal Mechanic ?...

Another pet peeve while traveling on the two-lane roads(sturgis) that have Too many bikes is another "Real Biker" that Just has to ride on-over-behind and darn near Under my bike with his "Massive" front wheel that sticks out a mile beyond any Normal Thinking bike design.. You have seen the type, COOL!, HAW, Just plain Dangerous. :newsmile03:

Now I do enjoy the Many Bikers that I meet And their Modified bikes that look COOL and still ride like a motorcycle..

Usually the bike THEY built or Modified and seem to show a Pride in their machine.. A Biker in my view.

There IS a Difference..... BIG difference. :panic

I think you're spot-on Bubbie. I'm right there with ya.
If we didn't trailer our bikes, there would be a lot of riding I wouldn't have got to do. Many times we will haul the bikes more or less to 'accessorize' a trip or event.

Our friends that invited us to go along to Sturgis had a trailer that wasn't full yet, that's how we got in on the trip. I have to say that 26 hours in the truck towing a 24' trailer wasn't all that great either. :p But I will add that since it rained hard from Sturgis to Louisville on the return trip, temps dropping to the low 40's....I wasn't complaining. :s But, we had 4 people, 3 Harley's, 2 dual sports and a hot air balloon on that rig. All we needed was a boat.
Yeah Bubbie, we had it covered. :) We had an awesome time I might add, though some of the people opening the doors to their hotel rooms as we floated down main street in Custer may not have been too thrilled at seeing us. :D
I also get BENT out of shape when I see Some of the modern "Bikers" that comes along with the Crowds that attend rally's...

I am of the kind(like many here) that does what I want and Doesn't need to IMPRESS the others by False Methods...

If you ride OR trailer makes No difference to me,,,, But I Disagree with Many who; LIE, Cheat and Steal to Pretend they are a "Biker".... There are those types Just like you said.. called "Posers".

Another thing that bothers me is the Big $$$$$$$$$$ crowd. Bigger every year with more Bought Bikes, saying I Made It.. Seems they trailer their MANY $$$$$$ machineS and even have a mechanic along to keep the billion dollar bikes running right, while they POSE around the rally..

I guess it is partial $$ Jealousy on my part.. I usually run into one that likes to brag "his" many bikes and how "Big" the motors and Blaw blaw...

It was Fun to ask one guy in camp, about the inner-makings of his machines...

Then I heard him call "Hey Charley , What do we have in this one?????" Charley was His Personal Mechanic.

I guess $$ Are important but give me a break.... Haw ha, a Personal Mechanic ?...

Another pet peeve while traveling on the two-lane roads(sturgis) that have Too many bikes is another "Real Biker" that Just has to ride on-over-behind and darn near Under my bike with his "Massive" front wheel that sticks out a mile beyond any Normal Thinking bike design.. You have seen the type, COOL!, HAW, Just plain Dangerous. :newsmile03:

Now I do enjoy the Many Bikers that I meet And their Modified bikes that look COOL and still ride like a motorcycle..

Usually the bike THEY built or Modified and seem to show a Pride in their machine.. A Biker in my view.

There IS a Difference..... BIG difference. :panic


My wife must fit in to the poser category as she takes her personal mechanic with her to all the rallies she attends she also has her personal mechanic put the tent up do the cooking and buy the beer :p

My wife must fit in to the poser category as she takes her personal mechanic with her to all the rallies she attends she also has her personal mechanic put the tent up do the cooking and buy the beer :p

Now that's funny mr. mechanic!
My wife must fit in to the poser category as she takes her personal mechanic with her to all the rallies she attends she also has her personal mechanic put the tent up do the cooking and buy the beer :p


You a good man Brian - if Mama ain't happy....ain't no one happy :laugh
Road to Sturgis in 06. We went the week before the Rally. If went again I would do the same. I don't like crowds and drunks and the rates are much lower.

My advice is to make the trip before your health won't allow.

We road 3200 miles in less than 8 days. It was a trip of a lifetime.

If you ride a HD you will be asked "have you been to Sturgis" and unless you have been to Sturgis MI you can say yes.
Went to my first Sturgis Rally in 2009.... Unbelievable riding for the entire 5 days. I probably will go every other year as the trip from AZ is pretty long.