Two wheeled sports were always engrained in my mind from the very first time I saw kids at school have them and I did not.In the very first grade I walked to school and really wanted a bicycle...but parents said they were "--too dangerous and not necessary to excell in school..." so I learned on friends' bike who lived a few blocks away. Did a lot of crazy things on two wheels. Helped others put 'em together (the neighborhood mechanical/electronics guy and my best friend the machinist/welder). Started with pedal bikes, rebuilding them and reselling to make money. Got into motorized handbuilt go-karts, mini-bikes and tote-goats (fat tired farm 2 wheeler), powered first with lawn mower engines and got into a lot of near accidents on more than one occasion. Fast-foward to into automotive repair and loved driving...BUT still the "biker"...peddling "man power", 80 horse power Harley or 120+ Sportbikes its' all good. More rational, more experienced, a touch more careful but still a committed enthusiast always. Now all of you, go out and enjoy the ride, it gets better every time you get on! :yes
I'm glad someone else remembers the Tote Goat. It seemed like it was designed with a western NY dairy farm in mind. (at least that's my memory of it) It was the first powered two wheeler I ever rode. I did a web search for them once. Couldn't find a single reference. Maybe I'll try it again.