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Wife looking at a Nightster

The Nightster is a great bike. I bought mine new last year after not riding for 30 years(long story). I'm 5'7" & had forward controls put on. I can ride mine for about 4 hr trips but anything over that is too much(but I'm not in my 20s or 30s anymore either). We have alot of potholes here in N.C. & never had any problems with the rear shocks. The front end is great though I am changing it out to a 3" over black springer as part of my customizing. I love it & it rides like a dream.
The little woman being vertically challenged loves the nightster. She wanted me to ask here for opinions on comfort, handling, control and wind buffeting and how it would do if she used it when we go touring. I would carry a gallon gas can cause of the small tank a just incase thing.

I rode one on demo days and the suspension bottomed out on every bump. Would have to change the rear shocks I'm thinking and get a shield, plus I found the seat to be too firm.

Any suggestions or recommendations for her?

The XL1200N Sportster is a good looking bike, I know I've got one, what it isn't is a touring bike, great for commuting to work, cruising along the beach front, but where they realy excel is on the twisties and they need to be reved...hard, if you not hitting the rev limiter regularly your just not riding it right. Your partner needs to decide what she wants, to do that she needs to ride the bike not you, I would suspect that she would absolutley love the N unfortunatley I can't comment on the Big Twin's as I've never rode one, seen alot in my rearview mirrors though...:lero
Good suggestions all. The thing on the dyna low and superglide is the seat is to wide which shorten the leg lenght. Plus she finds those two a little top heavy. As a few of you posted I think a shock upgrade would be of a benefit from the get go. As for pricing we looked at a lowered dyna and she would preferr to try something like the N first before putting out the big bucks for a modifide dyna. Shield would be removable for the longer trips. Have to call her down to read all this. Thank you all. :))))))))
"Bouncy" means not enough rebound dampening i.e. when shocks compress, the fluid is slightly too thin to control the "release". You may want to go up slightly on Front Shock fluid viscosity (stock is 5Wt...go to 7.5Wt) fork oil upgrade like Bel Ray up front and the Progressives out back like you were planning and I'll bet she will be might even end up chasing her in the twisties. :s

I don't think "bouncy" is the right word. I am what is being bounced, not the bike, so it rides a bit rigid. Whatever. I like it, I'm keeping it. I just want it to be even blacker. We raised the shocks a tad which helped. I am 5'7 and weigh 135; my legs are long so the forward controls were a must.

My new La Pera seat (thanks to Bait) is sweet!

I have an 07 Nightster, progressive shocks (+ 1") Progressive Fork Springs, Mini Apes, forward controls, Quick Detach windshield.

Just did 400+ miles this weekend on fine Wisconsin roads. I don't know if anyone knows this, but we have a different method of road maintenance here and it saves millions of dollars each year... When a road becomes too bumpy due to pot holes and expansion cracks heaving...we simply put up a sign that says "Rough Road" and it's done!

Anyway, my bike clearly does not ride as nice as a Softtail or a Bagger, but it's buckets of fun.

If your wife is not into aggressive riding, I would for sure have her try out a Softtail, as the weight is carried lower and IMO it's easier to ride.

Good suggestions all. The thing on the dyna low and superglide is the seat is to wide which shorten the leg lenght. Plus she finds those two a little top heavy. As a few of you posted I think a shock upgrade would be of a benefit from the get go. As for pricing we looked at a lowered dyna and she would preferr to try something like the N first before putting out the big bucks for a modifide dyna. Shield would be removable for the longer trips. Have to call her down to read all this. Thank you all. :))))))))

If Harley is still doing the deal where if you purchase a new 09 Sportster, you can get the MSRP back to use toward an upgrade. That's what I'm looking to do. I was originally going to buy a Nightster, but then decided to go with the Iron 883 (first time buying/riding a bike). I'm not doing any touring yet, possibly next summer. But I plan on upgrading to a Dyna (I'm 5'4 and about 125lbs) before next summer after I get some miles under my belt. I would check out if Harley is still promoting that's worth checking into.
Check out the Softail Deluxe - it's an awesome bike with excellent handling - lower centre of gravity - I rode it on Test Our Metal and almost changed my order! My first Harley was a 04 Sporty (883 C) and I enjoyed it but found it a bit top heavy. I just moved up to a Street Glide 6 weeks ago and absolutely love it - it could also be another option for her. Being 5'3"-135lbs I put a reach seat on just to bring my legs closer together to feel more stable when stopped and manoeuvering. Keep in mind - size doesn't matter!
Im 6'0 and 240lbs and I have an 07 Wide Glide the wife is 4'11 and 120lbs and rides an 08 Nightster. We had to have the dealer lower the stock shock for her to ride but it fits her perfectly. I on the other hand find the bike to be too small and no suspension (but its not mine its hers) but I only occasionally ride it around the block.

She loves it. It fits her perfectly, the only complaint she has is the seat. She wants to get a different seat but she also hates the stock seat on my bike as well. I tell her she just has a tender butt.

My wife found the Nightster to fit her best out of everything she tried. Thats what your wife needs to do is try a lot of different models to see what she likes and get the one that fits her best.
I've never rode one but my neighbor who is also a small Dude and has birth defects so his arms are really short has one. He put buck horns on it and he's never home ! He claims its the nicest bike for his size and actually has put some serious miles on it.
Whatever you decide Its going to be great having some one that close to you share the experiences you'll have !