I had the same problem. girlfriend had saddle butt after 100+ miles.
Bought a corbin seat and problem solved. We did go to the factory and had it customized for FREE. (Pay for the seat and they shape it to fit your butts!)
She also uses a gel pad for very long trips and we just got back from San Francisco-Vegas no problems except for the heat.
I also agree that the 440 Progressives on the back are the way to go especially for passnger comfort. No more rough landings when hitting hard bumps and much more stable in the high speed turns.
Bought a corbin seat and problem solved. We did go to the factory and had it customized for FREE. (Pay for the seat and they shape it to fit your butts!)
She also uses a gel pad for very long trips and we just got back from San Francisco-Vegas no problems except for the heat.
I also agree that the 440 Progressives on the back are the way to go especially for passnger comfort. No more rough landings when hitting hard bumps and much more stable in the high speed turns.