Considering that it did not bind, I had an extra gasket & my dial indicator has a tolerance of .001 I decided to put the stock gear in. If it would have whined I would then go to the undersized gear. Guess what, just a whisper of a whine that you really have to listen for. But with the Fulsac true duals, I can see that #1 (rear) cyl is running way too rich, one thing at a time, right. I have had issues with the injectors before & replaced them & a year later one of the new ones went out. We have a injector flow bench & cleaner at work & have my machinist building a block to do those injectors, will get on him to get that finished. Poor thing is going to need a paint job before too long, one of the saddle bags fell over & got scratched, the jack handle fell down & got one of my side covers, my front fender got a healthy scratch ? that and 100K the chips. Next project. Going to ride before that one.